The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Its getting to that time of year again when we all buy each other pyjamas and socks and eat our own body weight in mince pies and Cadbury’s Roses.

Although it may not sound like it, I actually love Christmas and the older my children get the more fun I can have during the build up. For instance, the elf on the shelf I bought…what a cheeky sod! We find him in all sorts of places; swinging from ceiling lights, opening cupboards and even clutching an empty beer bottle. Daddy was not pleased.

But he does make up for it. On one occassion, Ben the elf had left a Bob the Builder figure at the foot of Little Man’s bed for being a good boy at the Doctors.

This year is going to be great for many reasons;
1. Little Man is 2 and a half and a lot more knowing and exciteable.

2. I’m not pregnant or breastfeeding and can have a bloody good drink (if I don’t fall asleep).

3. It could never, ever be as bad as last year.

What happened last Christmas? In a nutshell…it was a shit year, let alone Christmas. Our son had been diagnosed with his heart condition which took some getting used to.
My mum was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and had to undergo operations and chemotherapy.
And I was told my unborn baby could also have a heart condition but different to my son’s and would have to go straight to intensive care for tests minutes after the birth. So my sympathies and anxieties were spread out amongst most of my immediate family.

Oh and did I mention we were trying to move house? Ended up selling 5 times and tried to purchase 3 times only for the delivery company to pull out on the moving day, 6 days before Christmas.

Then my son and I had the flu on Christmas day.

It sounds made up I know. I wish it was.

But that is why this year I am the most excited I’ve been about Christmas since being a kid myself.

We have a festive day with Thomas, Santa’s grotto and Christmas light switch ons, all in the calendar. And to top it all, a nights hotel getaway for Mummy and Daddy.

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Bring on the mulled wine!

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